On 17-18 August 2023, 24 of our 19-year-old V3 (Vocational Year 3) students and EPP (Employment Pathway Programme) students experienced a 2D1N National Cadet Corps (NCC) camp at the Amoy Quee base camp. It is a special experience because it is our students’ first outdoor camp experience, as well as being also their first school camp after the pandemic. Our students experienced various activities, including wearing of uniforms, personal camouflage, foot drills, military discipline, archery, using the SAR21 Weapon, paintball, construction of basha tent, night confidence walk, sleeping in tents, and motivational obstacle course. By the end of the camp, our students had meaningful opportunities to live out our R3OCK school values, where they can take most pride in their resilience and compassion as they persevered onward through every activity as one.