Fostering a love of learning

At our core, we hold the belief that every student possesses inner potential that, when cultivated within the appropriate setting, can thrive and come to fruition.


Admission Process

  • The applicant’s cognitive functioning is within the range of Mild Intellectual Disability (IQ: 50 – 70). We also admit children with mild autism who function within this IQ range.
  • The applicant does not have needs that will affect his / her ability to access the curriculum and group learning. These include physical disability, such as visual or hearing impairment and significant behavioural difficulties.
  • Admission is open to Singapore Citizen and Permanent Resident of Singapore. Non-Singapore Citizen or Non-Permanent Resident of Singapore may apply for admission, subject to the terms and conditions of the Ministry of Education.

Age of applicant upon admission:

  • Autism (A) Programme: 7 years to 16 years old
    • Students graduate from the programme at 18 years old.
  • Basic (B) Programme: 7 years to 12 years old
  • Career (C) Programme: 13 years to 16 years old
  • Vocational Programme: 17 years old
    • Students in the Non-certification (VNC) track graduate at 18 years old.
    • Students in the Certification (VC) track may graduate at 20 or 21 years old, depending on their performance.

Additional criteria for students applying for Vocational Certification (VC):

  • Workplace Literacy – Reading Level 2
  • Workplace Literacy – Listening Level 2
  • Workplace Numeracy Level 1

All applicants are required to attend a pre-admission assessment to ascertain placement suitability.

Please note that submission of an application does not automatically guarantee a place in our school programmes.

Transfer from Mainstream School to SPED School

With effect from 10 October 2022, applications for a transfer from a mainstream school to a SPED school must be facilitated through the student’s mainstream school. Please approach the mainstream school Principal to apply for the transfer.

Direct applications from parents/legal guardians, private professionals, and hospitals will not be accepted.

Waitlisting in SPED Schools for Primary 1 / Junior 1 Placement

With effect from 1 January 2023, a child applying for placement in Primary 1 / Junior 1 in a government-funded SPED school can only be placed on the waitlist if the child has first been placed in another government-funded SPED school' which serves the same primary diagnosed condition.

Please refer to this link  for the list of SPED schools categorised by the primary diagnosed conditions.

1A child placed in a mainstream school will not be eligible to be on the waitlists for SPED schools. Should there be interest to transfer the child to a SPED school, please refer to the "Transfers from Mainstream Schools to SPED schools" section for more details. This requirement will also apply to returning Singaporeans entering SPED schools at all levels.

2This requirement will not be applied to P3 and above children who can access ASD-NC schools in 2023. This is because Pathlight School is the only ASD-NC school that offers P3 and above classes in 2023. This requirement will be extended accordingly to P3 and above children when the other ASD-NC school, St. Andrew's Mission School progressively offers P3 and above and secondary levels.