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Our People

Principal and Vice-Principals
Ms Veron WongPrincipal
Ms Lum Kwai YeowVice-Principal
Mr Robin ChuaiVice-Principal
Head of Programmes
Ms Siti Masita Bte Selamat – HOP / Staff Development & Transition Planning
Mr Jack Chew – HOP / Autism Programme
Ms Siti Rafeah Abukar – Deputy HOP / Autism Programme (Junior)
Mr Andy Lim – HOP / Basic Programme
Ms Agnes Poon – HOP / Career Programme
Ms Ek Bee Ting – Deputy HOP / Career Programme
Ms Nurhaishireen Bte Mohd Rahim – HOP / Vocational Programme
Mr Philip Lau – Deputy HOP / Vocational Programme (Certification)
Ms Joan Teo - Deputy HOP / Vocational Programme (Non-certification)
Ms Laura Lim – HOP / Information Communications Technology (ICT) & Science
Mr Muhd Ridhwan Bin Rahmat – HOP / Adapted Physical Education (APE) & Co-curricular Activities (CCA)
Administrative and Support
Mr Chan Chee Meng - Head / Human Resource, Admin & Accounts
Mr Robin Chuai - (Cover) Head / Operations, Information Technology and Partnership
Mr Leonard Lau - Head / Allied Health
Ms Eleanor Kuah - Deputy Head / Partnership
School Management Commitee
Ven Chao Kun Fa Zhao - Chairman
Mr Ee Tiang Hwee - Supervisor
Ven You Guang - Honorary Treasurer
Ms Veron Wong - Secretary
Mr Ko Yu Quan - Member
Mr Lim Thou Kin, Julian - Member
Mr Peter Lim Ah Noi - Member
Mrs Tan Wie Pin - MOE-Appointed Member
Mrs Lisa Goh - Senior Inspector (MOE Special Education Branch)

We believe that the values we aim to instill in our students should also guide how our staff collaborates to strengthen our culture. Each value is further broken down into two specific standards: